White Canvas Fabric

White Canvas Fabric

White Canvas Fabric

A collection of white canvas material.   Whether you are looking for a crisp white cotton canvas or a natural white outdoor canvas, you are sure to find what you need.  White is a great choice for outdoor canvas as it reflects the sun to keep things nice and cool.  Or you could create cool cotton lounge pants with some of our white cotton canvas.

We carry a large selection of Sunbrella canvas white that is water proof, stain resistant, and wont fade in the sun.   These are great for creating tarps, boat covers, and grill covers.  Marine canvas is also perfect for super durable outdoor upholstery.  They will also hold up great when used for awnings.  Outdoor canvas is also fantastic for dog beds.

Our selection of cotton canvas by color comes in a wide variety of shades and weights.   Canvas is great for bags, coveralls, slipcovers, tablecloths, and much more.